The Explore tool allows you the ability to track all the latest news from topics you care about. We have curated all the top news outlets as the source. The latest articles will all be pulled into your Explore dashboard automatically once you set it up.
Once your forces are set up, you can add keywords to those Forces that will be used to pull in relevant articles. To add those keywords to Forces, start by going to the Content Section of the platform.
To get there, follow the steps below:
- Starting from your dashboard, go the Admin panel and select Forces under "Tool Settings." Next, Click the ellipses (3 dots) on the right side of the a specific force and then select Settings.
- In the Settings screen, you will then be able to add whatever News Keywords you feel are most appropriate to search for related to that topic. The keywords will act as if you typed them into Google and pulled articles via a search. You can add as many keywords as you want as long as each one is separated with a comma.
When you're done, click Save on the bottom right hand corner.
- You can do this for as many forces as you'd like. Once you are done, articles will start to appear after 4-8 hours from setting the keywords.
Note: Each keyword must be separated by commas. When news keywords are added to a force, Forest will look for all news articles related to those keywords. The more keywords are entered for each force, the narrower the results will be. For best results, try to limit your keywords to 3-4.
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