To manage existing users, follow the steps below:
Note: Only administrators can perform this action.
- Starting from your dashboard, go the Admin panel on your dashboard and select Users under "User Management." Next, click Manage next to the user you'd like manage. This will take you to the user's "Account Settings."
- In the User Account Settings, you'll be able to manage a user's details such as their name, email, and access permissions to various content.
If a user needs to be deleted or deviated, simply click on the archive or delete icon on the bottom left corner of the User Account Settings.
Be sure to click Save when you're done making changes.
Tips related to User Access:
Global User Access
Global Admin: has full access to your company account settings, have the ability to see, archive, and delete all content and can change all company website styles. Additionally, they can manage all users and invite new users. They can pretty much do anything.
Global Editor: can manage the content of your innovation tool, but cannot alter any company settings, styles, or manage users.
Workspace Access
Workspace Editor: can manage/edit any content related to the workspace(s) they’re assigned to. They cannot manage users, or alter workspace tool settings.
Content Access
Content Admin: has administrative access to any content (Ideas, Campaigns, Portfolios, Pages) they’re a part of.
Content Editor: can edit any content (Ideas, Campaigns, Portfolios, Pages) they’re a part of.
Tips related to deactivating users:
Archiving a user's account will remove their ability to login and use the tool while preserving their data.
Deleting a user will remove their account and all associated data. This is a permanent action, and it cannot be undone.
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