Expanded Idea Sorting
Many of our users, especially administrators, have been asking for a way to quickly find popular and trending ideas in their organization. Previously, users could only sort ideas based on the name, published date, creation date, and last activity.
To help users quickly find their most active ideas, we’ve expanded the sorting options in the ideas library to include most popular, trending, and number of likes. This way, users can quickly find and feature the most widely discussed ideas in Forest.
Users impacted by this feature: Global Admins, Workspace Admins, and General Users
Custom Page Enhancements
Prior to this release, users who built and managed their organization’s communications pages didn’t have the option to edit font styles, colors, or font sizes in the column sections of their custom pages. This kept them from building their communications pages in ways that were more unique and customized to their needs.
We've now added the ability for users to edit font styles, colors, and font sizes in the custom page editor, which gives users more flexibility when building their communications pages.
Users impacted by this feature: Global Admins, Workspace Admins, and General Users
Unique New Idea Links
Previously, when a user submitted a new idea, they had to navigate from the main dashboard or an open campaign and then click “+ New Idea.” There wasn’t a unique link available that took users directly to the idea creation form.
With this release, we introduced unique links to create new ideas, which will take users directly to the idea creation form and minimize the amount of clicks it takes to get there. These links can easily be shared with other users across their organization.
The unique idea submission links look like this:
- Submit a new idea: https://yourcompanyname.forestsoftware.com/idea/new
- Submit a new idea (from a campaign): https://yourcompanyname.forestsoftware.com/campaign/campaignID/idea/new
Users impacted by this feature: Global Admins, Workspace Admins, and General Users
Required Field Validation
Have you ever missed a required field when submitting your ideas in Forest? It wasn’t always easy to find what was missing. Previously, when a user created a new idea and they missed a required field in the idea submission form, it wasn’t clear which field they missed because the required field wasn’t highlighted.
To streamline this process, we've introduced a feature enhancement in the idea creation form which highlights any errors or missed fields during the idea creation process. This way, users can quickly find what needs to be filled out or changed so that they can quickly submit their ideas without having to go back and search for the missing required field.
Users impacted by this feature: Global Admins, Workspace Admins, and General Users
Consistent Company Footer
“Where did my company’s custom footer go?” That was a question some users asked after scrolling to the bottom section of the application. Prior to this release, we found that a company's custom footer navigation did not always appear in some areas of the tool.
To solve this problem, we pushed an update which will ensure that your company's custom footer is consistently displayed on every page of the application.
Users impacted by this feature: Global Admins, Workspace Admins, and General Users
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